PTEYou will hear a recording. Type the missing words in each blank.

A really good illustrative example of the point I want to make is the book Journey Cake, Ho! by Ruth Sawyer, based on a traditional folk tale. Teachers often read this aloud to their classes, showing the to the children as they do so. They are, of course, using the of Ruth Sawyer, and presenting the story just as the artist has visualised it. But other teachers do it . Instead of reading, they tell the story from memory. This gives the children a much richer experience - they can freely use their own , visualising the story, the characters and the scenes in their mind's eye in any way they like. And, this is much closer to the way in which folk tales were passed from generation to generation - orally, without any words or pictures to the imagination.

PTE#194 - A really good illustrative example of...

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